Dr. Cristina Imre

Renowned for her transformative leadership, Dr. Cristina Imre is celebrated for her commitment to fostering purpose-driven, empathic leadership. As the founder of TLL, she combines her polymath expertise to drive impactful global change, ensuring a sustainable and equitable future for all.

About Tech leadership Lab cover picture ethics and values

Eelco H. Dykstra

Daily Impact Emergency

Advocate Divya Dwivedi

Tech Law and Ethics

Yangbo Du

Profitable Net Zero

Prof. Susan Krumdieck

Energy Transition Engineering


Data Center Decarbonization

Aubrey de Grey

Anti-Aging Research

Karen Adams

Fashion Supply Chain

Prof. Dan Ariely

Behavioral Economics

Katrina Montinola

Software & AI Development

Richard James MacCowan

Biomimicry and Biofuturism

Lisa Atkinson

Storytelling using Foresight & Futurism

Dr. Brian Alman

Mental Health & Well-Being Research

Troy Green

Desalinization, Water Expert

Alejandro Storniolo

Water Resources

Maya Sherman AI & Ethics

Maya Sherman

AI Legislation & Ethics

Ahmed Larouz

Clean Tech

Louis Rosenberg

Collective Superintelligence & AR/VR

Angela Nesbitt

Transformational Leadership

PhD. Chris DeArmitt

World-Class Plastic Expert

Danielle Lin, C.N.

Media Production & Outreach

We make the impossible possible, restoring hope where it was lost. We amplify impact, harnessing our strengths to unite and collectively build a better future for all.

General inquiries at [email protected] to explore our synergies. We are a global entity, thus always looking for A-player doers. Meaning: people who are ready to build the future and improve the present. If you’re set to make an impact you’ll be in great company with us.

Media inquiries at [email protected].

Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.Margaret Mead

Constantly Growing

Our Supporter and Partner Network

Stream Yard
Center for the Advancement of Virtual Organizations
Biomimicry Innovation Lab
Community of Guardians
Swarm Community
Water Positive