The Global Story Summit: A Vision for SDGs
- Developing the Global Narrative: a milestone event to focus attention and deepen the ongoing efforts to craft a global unifying story.
- Expand the showcase of groundbreaking technologies and strategies to address the SDGs effectively.
- Strengthen the commitment of global stakeholders by enhancing collaboration across borders, sectors, and disciplines.
Get ready for an unforgettable journey
Imagine being part of crafting the ultimate narrative!
The entire history of mankind was determined by stories that humans decided to believe and align with. Our research, including insights from our inaugural summit’s consensus document, has laid out a clear pathway to solving the SDGs and reorienting us toward a sustainable future: in Pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals
Press release
March 5-7, 2025
Day 1: March 5

7:00 AM PDT | 10 AM EDT | 4 PM CET | 7:30 IST – 11:00 AM PST | 2 PM EDT | 7 PM CET | 11:30 PM IST
The Power of Narrative in Global Change
Focus: We’ll explore the foundational role of storytelling in shaping human consciousness and driving societal change. Discuss historical and modern examples where narrative has been a powerful tool for unity and action.
Day 2: March 6

7:00 AM PDT | 10 AM EDT | 4 PM CET | 7:30 IST – 11:00 AM PST | 2 PM EDT | 7 PM CET | 11:30 PM IST
Innovative Technologies Driving SDGs
Focus: Highlight cutting-edge technologies and their application in addressing the SDGs, emphasizing sustainable innovation.
Day 3: March 7

7:00 AM PDT | 10 AM EDT | 4 PM CET | 7:30 IST – 11:00 AM PST | 2 PM EDT | 7 PM CET | 11:30 PM IST
Global Citizenship: Building a Responsible World Community
Focus: Discuss the concept of global citizenship and how it can be fostered to achieve global unity and collective action towards the SDGs.
The Global Story’s Story
Esteemed Speakers: Icons Behind the Avatars
For each day of “The Global Story” summit, we have curated a lineup of distinguished speakers whose expertise and insights are perfectly aligned with our themes. These high-profile figures are key to illustrating the immense potential of our collective narrative for the future of humankind.
Although their identities remain under wraps for now, represented by unique avatars, their contributions to their fields are monumental. Stay tuned as we reveal the visionaries who will help shape our discussions and guide our journey towards a sustainable global future.




Prepare to be surprised by the synergies and unique perspectives we’ve carefully orchestrated to align with our summit’s themes and ambitious goals. Those familiar with our inaugural summit know that we leave nothing to chance. Every speaker selection is intentional, ensuring that each contribution magnifies the impact of our collective mission.
together for the greatest cause
Uniting Visionaries and Innovators in Pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals

Be Part of the solution
By uniting forces with Tech Leadership Lab, you are doing much more than supporting an event; you are actively engaging in creating actionable solutions to the planet’s most urgent challenges.
Together, we can catalyze change and make a lasting impact on the world.


Who says summits can’t be fun? We are planning interactive elements, considering your previous suggestions for best engagement. Plus, nothing about stories is boring. 🙂
How to Partner with us
Ready to make a difference?
General inquiries at [email protected] to explore our synergies and title your email Global Story Inquiry to make sure we spot it right.
Contact us at [email protected] to explore how your brand can join this global initiative. Let’s work together to create a future where technology and humanity unite for the greater good.
Media inquiries at [email protected].